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Make delicious raita with mint leaves in summer

Mint raita is a good choice for summer. It gives you coolness. It is made in almost every Indian home. You can consume mint raita to make the food more nutritious. If you are tired of eating other raita then you can try this raita recipe. Using mint in it makes it more nutritious. You can also eat this raita with lentils or vegetables. This raita can be made from mint leaves and easily available ingredients at home. Let us know its recipes.

Content of Raita

2 cups yogurt

Green Chili 3

Half a cup of grated cucumber

Cayenne powder according to need

Cumin powder 1 tsp

3/4 cup of mint

1/4 cup of onion

Salt as needed

Sugar 1/4 tsp

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How to make

Step - 1 Wash the mint leaves

To make this quick and easy mint raita recipe, wash the mint leaves and set aside. Meanwhile, grate the cucumbers and chop the onions.

Step - 2 Mix mint leaves in yogurt

Take a blender and add mint leaves with yoghurt and green chillies and blend well. Take it out in a bowl and put onion and cucumber in it.

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Step - Serve 3 and serve chilled

Finally add cumin powder, salt and chilli powder. Garnish with mint leaves and serve.

The benefits of eating raita

Helps in weight loss - Raita is low in calories. This prevents weight gain. Cools the stomach. Helps to eliminate the problems caused by stomach heat.credit link 

To strengthen the digestive power - Raita in the summer season helps to keep the digestive system healthy.

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Prevents heat stroke - Raita helps prevent heat stroke during the summer. It helps reduce bad cholesterol in the body.

Raita is rich in calcium and protein. It helps strengthen bones and teeth.

You will get mouth watering after seeing this dish and people will love this dish. If you like this dish, you can send it to other people and tell people how to make this dish. You will like this dish very much. And people will love this dish too so make it if you want to make your family happy in the morning

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