You can pay after shopping through Paytm, PhonePay or Google Pay, but now you are also getting this feature in WhatsApp. WhatsApp Payments is not only offering this feature, but has also come up with many offers. These offers are meant to give more benefits to the customers. If you pay through WhatsApp then you will get the coolest cashback. Now for this you have to do this little thing.
WhatsApp has come up with different cashback schemes to promote digital payment services. For this you will get cashback if you pay with three different contacts. With this app you can get cashback on the first three payments. Three different contacts are getting cashback on sending money through UPI i.e. Unified Payments interface through WhatsApp. Cashback is 11 rupees each time. By doing this three times you can get a cashback of Rs 33,
According to the company, the benefit of this cashback will be available only to those users who see the banner or gift icon in their WhatsApp. If this appears on your WhatsApp then you can claim for cashback.
According to the company, the benefit of this cashback will be available only to those users who see the banner or gift icon in their WhatsApp. If this appears on your WhatsApp then you can claim for cashback.
This payment will be received upon sending to 3 different contacts already registered. This cashback will not be available on QR code payment, payment request or payment with UPI ID. Apart from this, transferring to any other online payment app will not get this cashback.
Gujarati News
4 crore WhatsApp user cap
NPCI i.e. National Payments Corporation of India has given permission to WhatsApp to add additional users. Earlier, the user limit was 2 crore in November last year, which has been increased to 4 crore. NPCI has now approved the addition of an additional 60 million users to WhatsApp. After this, the limit has gone up to Rs 10 crore. In the year 2018, WhatsApp launched a digital payment project in India with 1 million users.
4 crore WhatsApp user cap
NPCI i.e. National Payments Corporation of India has given permission to WhatsApp to add additional users. Earlier, the user limit was 2 crore in November last year, which has been increased to 4 crore. NPCI has now approved the addition of an additional 60 million users to WhatsApp. After this, the limit has gone up to Rs 10 crore. In the year 2018, WhatsApp launched a digital payment project in India with 1 million users.