Xiaomi's subbrand Poko Mobile is set to launch its new Mobile Poko X4 Pro 5G in the Indian market next month. In a recently released teaser, the company has announced its launching date April 10 in a Roman letter. The mobile was launched globally during the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2022 event which ended in February. The global variant of the mobile will have a Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 processor with 64MP primary sensor and 8GB RAM. You may love using this mobile and you will enjoy using this mobile.
The global model of this smartphone is priced at 229 Euros (approximately Rs. 19,200) for the 6GB RAM and 128GB storage variant. Also, the 8GB RAM and 256GB storage variant is priced at 349 euros (about Rs 29,300). In such a scenario, the price of the variant of the model to be launched in India may be around this. This smartphone can come in Laser Black, Laser Blue and Poco Yellow color options. You are also here to show the photos of the mobile. You can see the photos of this mobile and know what color the mobile is in and what it looks like. You may just like looking at this mobile. If you like this mobile, you can show it to people by supporting this post. If you like this mobile information, you can also send this information to your family members. We will make every effort if you like this information.
According to the information regarding the phone, it may have a 64MP primary sensor. The global variant of the phone has a 108MP primary camera. Other sensors will have 8MP ultra wide angle and 2MP macro sensor.
The Poco X4 Pro, launched at MWC 2022, runs on MIUI 13 with Android 11. It has a 6.67-inch Full-HD + (1,080x2,400 pixels) AMOLED display. It has 1,200 nits peak brightness, 120Hz refresh rate and 360Hz touch sampling rate.
The phone will get 8GB RAM and 256GB storage with Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 processor. The phone's storage can be expanded up to 1TB with the help of a microSD card. The phone will get a 5,000mAh battery with 67W fast charging support.