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The advantages and disadvantages of onions

Advantages and Disadvantages of Onion: Onion has many advantages and disadvantages. Onions have been used for centuries throughout human history. The scientific name of onion is Allium capa. In India it is known as Kanda, Dungri, Ulipayalu, Yera Gaddalu, Savanna etc.

Onion plants have blue-green leaves which contain many antioxidant compounds which are very effective in neutralizing free radicals from our body. Many diseases are destroyed by its consumption, due to which we get a lot of benefits in staying healthy.

Onion contains calcium, magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins as well as many nutrients which keep us healthy. But excessive consumption of onion can also cause some health-related harm, so it should be used in limited quantity.

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Benefits of onion in hindi

Regular consumption of onion increases the immunity of our body. It contains phytochemicals that increase the amount of vitamin C in our body, which strengthens our immune system. By consuming it, the risk of diseases caused by bacteria, fungi and seasonal infections can be avoided. Apart from this, they help a lot in keeping us healthy by taking out the toxic substances from our body.

By consuming onions, we can stay away from the risk of heart related diseases. Quercetin is found in it, which gives us the power to fight against heart diseases. Apart from this, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are also found in it, which are very beneficial in keeping our heart healthy. It works to prevent blood clots from freezing in our body, so that there is no risk of heart attack. By using onion daily, the bad cholesterol of our body can be completely eliminated.

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Diabetic patients can benefit greatly by consuming onions regularly. Chromium is found in it, which controls the level of blood sugar in our body, due to which the level of glucose in our body remains under control. Patients with high sugar are advised by doctors to eat raw onion, which gives them a lot of benefits.

Regular consumption of onions makes it easy to stay away from the risk of deadly diseases like cancer. It contains antioxidant compounds that work to prevent cancer cells from growing in our body. Apart from this, with the help of vitamin C present in it, free radicals can be reduced in our body, which reduces the risk of cancer.

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By using onion juice, our skin remains soft and healthy. It contains Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Vitamin C which protects our skin from harmful bacteria. Mixing onion juice with olive oil and honey and applying it on the face helps in getting rid of the problem of acne.

Diseases like anemia can be avoided by consuming onion. Plenty of iron and folate are found in this, by fulfilling the iron deficiency in our body, it brings an increase in the blood. It helps a lot in the formation of red blood cells in our body, which is of great benefit to the patients of anemia.

Stomach related disorders are relieved by using onion. It is rich in fiber which helps a lot in keeping our stomach and intestines clean. Its consumption provides relief in the problem of constipation, indigestion and stomach cramps. Apart from this, saponin is also found in it, which works to provide quick relief in stomach pain.

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Loss of onion in hindi

Due to excessive consumption of onion, the sugar level of our body can be lower than normal. It is very important to control the amount of sugar in our body. In such a situation, diabetic patients should not consume it excessively along with medicines.

Pregnant women should avoid excessive consumption of onions as excessive consumption can also cause burning sensation in their stomach.

People with allergies must consult a doctor before consuming onions.

If you experience burning or rashes after applying onion juice on the skin, then its use should be stopped immediately.

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